To Do in Maine

I have a Bucket List. I also have a Bucket List for while I'm here in America. It's not so much a bucket list, cos it's things to do before I leave, not things to do before I kick the bucket. It's a boarding list. Things to do before I board the plane home. Anyway, enough rambling...

This is my To Do in Maine list...

- visit Tinsel Bright (a shop in downtown Gorham)
- go to IHOP [achieved Oct 8th]
- go to Victoria Mansion [achieved Oct 26th]
- visit Maine Mall (still haven't explored the Mall proper yet, just the bits outside) [achieved many many times]
- take a Casco Bay cruise
- have a cocktail at Top of East
- go to a county fair [Common Ground Fair, Sept 26th]
- visit Salem, Mass [achieved Oct 31st]
- get a picture of white church for Jennie [achieved Oct 10th]
- go whalewatching
- see a moose
- go to a flea market and/or a yard sale [Oct 10th]
- go to a drive-thru movie
- try lobster [Oct 1st]
- go to Ben & Jerry's factory

Will be changed and adjusted when I achieve a goal, and when I think of something to add to it.


Omigosh, I have to add to your list an agree for the Ben & Jerry's factory... it was so much fun! And, Salem MA is awesome! It is a bit lunatic-ish in the month of October due to Halloween, so you may want to go or not go depending on how you feel about that. The house of seven gables and also the tiny candy shoppe across the street from the house is wonderful!
Welcome to the Magpies!
Love, Siobhan


Hey! The university is running a field trip to Salem; I'm actually going on Halloween. Should be interesting. I'll definitely look up the candy shoppe. :-)

The trip to Ben and Jerry's depends on someone willing to take me, since I can't drive.


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