HSKS 9 - Montrose Magpies

As everyone knows, I'm a bit of a stitcher. As some of you know, I'm a member of Ravelry, my username is Switchcleo. Ravelry is great. There are patterns and groups and a way to display all your projects (currently only crochet and knitting, but I'm hoping they'll add sewing and embroidery at some point). And there are also many many groups that organise swaps.

Swaps are so much fun. You sign up, you get assigned a swappee, and you have to create a package to send them. You, in return, get a nice package of goodies from the same or a different person. It's fun :-) Who doesn't like to receive a package of goodies in the post?

I'm in several swaps: a scarf travels one which is a round robin, where you knit five inches of a scarf and post it to the next person on the list who knits the next five inches. Everyone works on everyone else's scarf and by the time you get yours back it's full of diferent sections of wonderfulness. I'm also in several mini themed ones, and one that's all stuff that fits in a certain sized envelope. And I run two swaps too, a passion for purple one, and one with a £5 budget.

The swap I want to talk about today is a Hogwarts Kit Swap. This session is a Quidditch season. Past sessions have been a summer camp and school terms. The HSKS involves a lot more commitment than the other ones, and my first assignment has two parts that are, and I quote:

1- The HSKS9 logo MUST be posted the sidebar of your blog! The logo also MUST link to the HSKS9 blog.

2- Create a blog posting with your wishlists suggestions and any direct links to favorites so that your spoiler can get to know you.

So here I am. I've posted the logo to the sidebar, and I've also posted my team logo, I'm a Montrose Magpie. GO MAGPIES!!!

I'm going to do a separate post with my wishlist, once I've done a little bit of research and window-shopping, but I just thought I'd keep you all up to date with my obsessions :-)

PS> A common bit of fun with HSKS is to get a Meez. Mine is in the sidebar. I made her as chubby as I could, but they don't do really fat ones.