New Thing # 35

Date:- October 29th 2009
New Thing:- Carve a pumpkin

On Sunday for Fall Fest there was a big pumpkin carving event in the student center. I didn't go because I was having an episode, and afterwards I realised I've never carved a pumpkin before. So that's what I did. Today my friend Meagan went to Hannafords and picked me up a pumpkin.

His name is Barnaby. Yes, I named him. Right before I cut his head off and ripped his insides out. Lol.

Sun kindly took a photo of me. My roommates are fascinated by this idea. They were watching me for most of the time I was scooping his innards out.

Scooping the insides out was very very gross. Slimy and gross.

I don't know if you can see there but that's my sketching of his face. I thought about doing something artistic, but decided to stick with traditional. I'm not exactly artistic in this way anyway.

There he is; Barnaby. Tomorrow I'll take him outside, put a candle up his arse and set fire to him. I can't do it now because the back door gets locked at 7pm and if I go out the front I'd have to deal with RAs asking questions. Keep your eyes peeled for more photos tomorrow!