Project 200 - 124/76

And another one...

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Project 200 - 123/77

Quick little rug for the kitchen. I wish I'd had another ball of that yarn... the dimensions are a little off. But it was an old yarn from Lidl. Don't think I can find anymore. It does the job though.

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Project 200 - 122/78

Here's another one of those little cross stitch kits I was telling you about. Part of me thinks it needs a little definition... I'm used to outlining. But it's cute nonetheless.

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Project 200 - 121/79

In my bedroom, next to my stacks of craft books and magazines and folders, I have a pile of small cross stitch kits. I've decided to work through some of them. Here's the first one...

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Project 200 - 120/80

This piece reminds me why I stopped knitting cuddly toys when I learned to crochet. Because although they have their own charm, when I knit cuddly toys they're kinda ugly.

Also.. perhaps I shoulda used a different colour choice...

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Discworldathon update

I've finished another two! That's a total of 10 out of 39. Just about a quarter of the way through, when we're just about a quarter of the way through the year.

For a while I thought I might have to increase the total to 40. There's a new Terry Pratchett book out in December. Luckily (?) it's not a Discworld book so I don't HAVE to read it. It's still Terry Pratchett though, so I probably will read it at some point.

So far I've raised £17.25 and have another £78.50 pledged. If you haven't sponsored me already please please do so. The money goes towards Alzheimer's Research UK in honour of Terry Pratchett himself.

The link is

Thank you x

Project 200 - 119/81

I've finished another piece. I like this one. I love the way the letters look like stained glass.

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Naked Babies

On my list of blogs to check everyday is the newly listed patterns on Ravelry. I found one today that I just had to share with you. It's a baby hat, and I'm not particularly interested in making it. I just thought the picture was adorable.

There are a lot of naked babies on Ravelry. This one made me giggle.

Project 200 - 118/82

And here's another one. This was a commission piece... for a friend of my mum. In that long post I did there was a picture of the word "Raven" which was for another friend.

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Hey there. I'm sure you've all heard me mention my etsy store?

If you go there before the end of April 2012 and buy ANYTHING, you get a free pattern of your choice :-) All you have to do is message us once you've paid and let us know which pattern you want.

And... you can get a pattern without any purchase at all! All you have to do is blog about this current offer, and send me a link so I can have a nose.

Back to Normal?

Today I was meant to go back to my "usual" daily life. I have these checklists of things that I need to do everyday. Having the checklists helps me to do them. I haven't been keeping those lists for the past several weeks because of my hospitalization, and recovery. Last week I set today as the date when I'd restart everything.

Except that I feel like crap. I don't want to do anything. I got up several hours ago (despite desperately wanting to stay in bed), but only managed to turn on my shows and sit on the sofa crocheting. Even then the project I was working on was just single crocheting around and around.

I don't want to do anything. Actually that's not true. I want to go back to bed with a box of maltesers. I'm not even that fussed about the maltesers to be honest. The last few nights my dreams have actually been pleasant, and I want to go back to that world.

2012 Fantabulous Things: 101-121

101) The Amazing Race - the tv show. Very, VERY cool.

102) The Simpsons - again, the tv show.

103) Thick tinsel

104) Tim Burton movies

105) Tom Welling

106) Torchwood

107) Twizzlers - only the red ones

108) Vampire movies

109) Variagated embroidery threads

110) Warehouse 13

111) Warm fluffy socks

112) Whittards' white strawberry hot chocolate

113) Wil Wheaton's tweets

114) Wild Boys - the tv show

115) Yankee candles - I just wish they weren't so expensive

116) Yarn dyed especially for me - I got a few skeins for Christmas

117) Youtube videos

118) Zombie movies

119) Extreme Makeover Home Edition - I can't believe they cancelled it :(

120) New jewellery

121) Completing a jigsaw puzzle

I know it's an odd number to stop on, but those are all the ones that I collected last year. I have more... coming up soon.

Discworldathon update

I read quite a few while I was in hospital - mostly because the ward I spent the last week on had no phone signal (and hence no internet).

8 books down
31 to go

Project 200 - 117/83

Here's another one... You can't quite tell what it is there, but it's a cozy for my mum's flask.

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83 to go


My operation was 11 days ago, and I'm finding the recovery more mentally exhausting than anything else. I had six wounds - one big, give little. The five little wounds are healing nicely, and don't hurt anymore. The bigger wound got an infection and is now not-very-pretty-in-the-slightest. My GP gave me a course of antibiotics, which I've now finished, but the wound is still healing.

I'm not in pain anymore. The bigger wound is a little uncomfortable, and I had some awkward side effects from the antibiotics, but I'm not in pain.

When I got out of hospital Mum was here looking after me. When Mum went home Cayden moved in to look after me. I've been feeling a lot better, and he went home this afternoon. At first I was insanely relieved. I am very grateful to both Mum and Cayden for giving up their time to look after me, and I appreciate both of them, but since I first called that ambulance I have not been alone. As a loner/shut-in, I'm not used to constant company, and it was starting to get to me. After Cayden had gone home, I was glad to have my solitude again. It was nice to have some quiet, and to feel like my life was back on track.

I watched some shows, did some paperwork, did some washing up, undid all the tiny little changes around here that arose from having other people doing the chores, and had a nice long bubble bath. The bath was insanely nice too - I haven't had a proper bath in weeks. It was a little disconcerting when an inch-long section of my stitches unravelled and just sat there poking out of my belly, but I survived.

And then I decided to venture into the bedroom (where I haven't really been in weeks), to do a little sorting and tidying up. I was only in there 20 minutes. The room now looks a lot less cluttered and a lot more like my bedroom.

Note to self: just because you FEEL better, doesn't mean you ARE better. You'd have thought I'd have learned that lesson back in 2000 when I screwed my ankle. For those who haven't heard - I fell and tore the tendons away from the bone. Dr told me to stay off it for three weeks. After two weeks it stopped hurting so I went back to college, and now it's screwed for life. I have constant pain in that ankle, and it twists/sprains insanely easily. So, as I say, you'd think I would have learned my lesson. Just because you feel better, doesn't mean you are better.

But I'm me. And I just don't learn lessons properly. I really didn't think I'd done too much today, but judging from the pains I now have in my surgical area, I think I overdid it.

So... less work, more rest. If I'm getting this restless and antsy 11 days after the laparscopic operation, it's a bloody good job they didn't have to do open surgery.

Project 200 update

I've changed the format of Project 200. Again.

I was getting very sick of the 200 projects that were left, and couldn't face doing any of them. And I was tired of feeling guilty whenever I found a new pattern. So I changed it.

I'm still doing 200 projects, and I still have to do them by midnight on December 31st 2012. The difference is that it can be ANY projects, not necessarily one from the defined book.

With that in mind, the following projects are now included...

Counting all the Filberts as one project, counting the Giant Mini Aliens as one project and counting all the Mini Aliens as one project, the total now stands at:

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