HSKS 9 - getting to know the players

Okay, so I have another HSKS assignment. This time I have to find a player who meets a certain criteria from the list and comment on their blog or one of their projects.

Here they are...

1) Someone who does the same craft as me - Helena Lovegood

Helena both crochets and knits. I scanned through her blog and was so intrigued by all the challenges and things (from everyone else's blogs too). I wish I'd discovered HSKS a long time ago!!

2) Someone born in the same month as me - Hermione Bagnold

This one was easy. They have a list of birthdays in the sidebar of the blog. Nice and handy. Ooo, and having just checked out her blog, she used me for this one too. She commented on Pierre. She even linked to my blog and to Pierre!

3) Someone from a different country - Stuart Cauldwell

Stuart is from Canada and unfortunately the beautiful kitty listed in projects is not available as a pattern :-(

4) Someone who is a new player - Saraid Swiftrunner

Saraid is the team rookie for the Appleby Arrows (who aren't half as good as the Montrose Magpies btw :P) She also cross-stiches, which is a rare sight on Ravelry. But then they only have options for crochet and knitting at the moment, so there could be millions, which is what I told her on her blog.

5) Someone who has been in 3 or more HSKS swaps - Fleur Sweeting

Fleur, as far as I can tell, has been in HSKS swaps since number 3. At least, she has banners 3-9 in the sidebar of her blog. She's obviously better than me, since she can knit shawls without going insane.

6) Someone who has a bigger stash than me - Megaera Black

According to Ravelry stats, Megaera has the biggest stash (at 234!!) but I have to say that once I get back to England in the New Year and actually get around to adding my stash, I think I could beat her. Possibly. Watch this space.

7) Someone who both knits and crochets - Cassandra Goode

Cassandra has a quarter of a century knitting, and a quarter of a century crocheting! That is pretty damn impressive. I really hope I'm still crafting 20 years from now. I commented on her blog, about a yarn bowl she received in the last swap. Look out for said bowl to be added to my wish list.

8) Someone who has the same favourite colour as me - Lizzie Wychwood

Finding someone who likes purple was not difficult. Purple is a very very popular colour, especially on Ravelry. I picked Lizzie because of a runes bookmark she made. It reminded me of the tattoo around my wrist.

There! Assignment completed. In other HSKS news, i have my spoiler and spoilee information. Time to go shopping - let's pretend that I didn't skip to ebay and etsy three seconds after getting the email.


Excellent Job!! BTW, date deadlines will be posted on the blog today and I'll announce it on Rav as well. :-)