Time for a Rant

This blog is going to make me look very sad, and very pathetic and very silly, but I very much don't care.

USM does TNT every Tuesday. That's Tuesday Night Trivia. I like quizzes and have wanted to go, but I have a class Tuesday nights haven't been able to get to any yet. Until today, when I skipped classes to a) get a swine flu vaccination and b) go to the Harry Potter themed TNT.

So I'm sat there in a team with Meagan and Kaitlin and their friend who's name escapes me but who agreed with me several times so I like him very much. The quiz was quite cool. The format was impressive, and the questions were good, with a nice gradient from ridiculously easy to quite difficult. Our team came second, we won some plain old papermate biros. However, I don't think I'll be going to another one, even if my class suddenly gets moved to a different time. I have a couple of issues. Angry angry issues.

Ok, so there's this question...

"What is Tonks' most known feature/ability?"

My team writes down on our board "metamorphmagus". Caroline reveals the answer: "changing hair color". She doesn't give us a point, despite much argument. I accept, the answer to her question was "changing hair colour", however the ABILITY that Tonks had that allows her to change her hair color was that she was a freakin METAMORPHMAGUS!!! That's her ability! The question asked for Tonks' ability, and we gave it! We didn't get a point. I'm still fuming.

(I just wanna point out here that during our team discussion Kaitlin said that Nymphadora's skill was metamorphmagus, and Meagan said "no no she's asking about Tonks." We all laughed at her and threatened to throw her out of the obsessive Harry Potter fanclub.)

Anyway, I was just coming to terms with this frustration, when it happened again. Bonus question: "What does the K stand for in J. K. Rowling?"

Kathleen, Kathleen, Kathleen. I know that one! It's my sister's middle name. Kathleen, Kathleen, Kathleen!!! No. Wrong. Apparently JK has no middle name. The answer according to Caroline's quiz is "nothing."

Cue a lot more ranting from Cleo. Ok, maybe it's true that she doesn't have a middle name. I haven't checked, I don't care. The question didn't ask what her bloody middle name was. It asked what the K stood for. And in JK Rowling's nom de plume, the K stands for freaking Kathleen. If the question had asked for what the hell her middle name was and we'd have said Kathleen then we'd have been wrong, but it didn't. It asked what the freaking K stood for and the freaking K stood for freaking Kathleen!!!

I have some serious issues, I know this. It was just a game, I know this too. And both of these rants are basically a matter of how the questions were worded, but we were RIGHT damnit!!

Please tell me you agree!


According to Wikipedia (which I know is not terribly reliable) this is what it said in regards to the K: -- As she had no middle name, she chose K as the second initial of her pseudonym, from her paternal grandmother Kathleen;


I'm with you.
This is why we argue the matter at quizes all the time. In the black friar and the union we argue when the answer they give is either wrong, or one of several possibilities.


Oh my gosh....ok...first off, you are RIGHT on BOTH counts! DUH!!!! If the people running the TNT had even READ the Harry Potter series, they would KNOW you were right about the Tonks question. And saying that the K stands for nothing?! Why else would it be there?! GAH! I'm right there with you on the angry-meter!!!


Gah, you so deserved the point! She doesn't just change her hair colour! I love how angry we can get over false Harry Potter trivia :P


Gah, you so deserved the point! She doesn't just change her hair colour! I love how angry we can get over false Harry Potter trivia :P


You handled it soooo much better than I would have. I would've popped a vein if they didn't give us the point on those questions. Which brings up the next question...did you win?


You know, I am with you, I know it's just a game but it is very frustrating when the rules aren't fair, game or no game


Oh that must have been so annoying!! You were completely right & your team probably should have won or at least tied with the team that got first place. I don't blame you for not wanting to go back to TNT. You want HSKS to help you start a boycott or start a petition to have the TNT fact checkers fired from their positions or both??


I'm just adding my voice to the "You Were Right" choir!
I get really mad about stuff like that too. I mean, when you're right, you're right, dangnabit! ;)


Okay, I know I am late to the opinion game but I'm chiming in anyway. #1- You are 100% correct! No doubt at all.

#2- Technically you are correct, but also, depending on where the TNT ppl got their info, they might be correct too.

There is at least one interview I've seen where JKR was asked what the K stood for and she said "Nothing... I made it up." BUT THEN, the next sentence she says something like "Actually, I used it because it was my grandmother's name, Kathleen." I don't remember where I saw that interview, but that is the one and only time I've heard it. Still... DUH TNT people! Get some actual Harry Potter people to run your Harry Potter TNT night!

Ha! ;-p