New Thing # 48

Date:- 4th December 2009
New Thing:- Beat the 20Q website

I've spent the evening looking for ideas for my 52 New Things challenges, and I came across a suggestion to beat the 20Q website. I clicked the site to have a look and it's a 20 questions game. You pick a topic; you think of a person/thing/place; the computer asks you 20 questions and guesses what you're thinking about.

I had a go, thinking of Xenophillius Lovegood, and it got it! I was very impressed. I mean, I know how things like that work, but it's still impressive. So I added it to my notebook list. "Beat the 20Q website." I intended to do it next year as one of my challenges, but couldn't resist having another go now. It guessed I was thinking about the magic mirror. It's mildly addictive, so I had another go.

I BEAT IT!! It didn't guess that I was thinking about Homer's car. I won! Na na na na na. I will give it props though, it guessed Marge's car.