New Thing # 29

Date: September 19th 2009
New Thing: go apple picking

When I was a little girl I thought that Heaven was a great big library with a huge comfy armchair and a barrel of ever-fresh apples. So when I was offered the chance to go apple picking today I figured it'd be fun.

It was. Lots of fun. The trees were a lot smaller than I was expecting. I guess I was thinking of back garden apple trees, but these were teeny, although the apples ranged from teeny tiny to hugemoungous! And they were tasty too.

We paid for a bag, they had various sizes. My half a peck bag was $6 and we filled them up with the delicious tasty Cortland apples.

I also got a teeny tiny pumpkin. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it. I only got it cos it was very very cute.

They had a cider mill there too, and I brought a little bottle of that. Was interesting. First off I was worried that I was being sold cider by two small boys, until Aimee pointed out that it wasn't alcoholic. I guess my brain figures cider = booze. I didn't know it came in non-alcoholic versions. It's tasty though.

And so are these...

Aimee made me some pies with half my apples, and they smell absolutely incredible. I'm about to go and bite into one with a nice generous dollop of vanilla ice cream.


I love the pumpkin. I grew up helping at a pumpkin farm and those were the best sellers some years it seems. apple picking is so much fun too. i was raised in New England.