Common Ground Fair

On Saturday I joined Aimee, Kate, Jonny and Jaap...

...for a two hour drive north to Unity, Maine for the Common Ground Fair. Which is this thing...

The website describes it like this...

The Fair allows fairgoers to make connections with a rapidly expanding base of organic farms in the state of Maine. Hundreds of vendors, exhibitors and demonstrators, more than 1,000 volunteers, and tens of thousands of fairgoers will gather to: share knowledge about sustainable living; eat delicious, organic, Maine-grown food; buy and sell beautiful Maine crafts and useful agricultural products; compete in various activities; dance; sing and have a great time.

It was a lot of fun. I really wish I'd taken more money though, there were some delicious things for sale. The yarn! My God the Yarn!!

That stuff is Angora, which comes from bunnies like this...

Angora is ridiculously deliciously soft. I brought myself some wrist warmers made from that bunny. They're sooooo comfy.

It was a good day. There were one or two flaws. For instance, my body decided to develop hayfever and I spent most of the day with watering eyes and wandering around with one or both eyes closed. Plus, and this is the biggie, the website said there would be llamas. LLAMAS!! I was really excited to see llamas, I've never seen a real one, and we all know about my llama obsession. But I went everywhere and saw no llamas :(

I did see alpacas though.

And horses and cows and baby cows and sheeps and goats and a sheep/goat herding dog.

I also saw some shiny glass baubles which I really wanted one or six of, but didn't think they'd survive my carelessness. So I took pretty picture instead.

And then there was this...

I fell in love with it, and spent twenty minutes stroking it. If I had had enough cash on me I'd have brought it and gone without spending money for the rest of the week. But I was a little (!!) short. I did come away with some goodies though...