New Thing # 17

Week 17: 20th April 2009 – 26th April 2009

Date:- 30th April 2009
New Thing:- sent a secret to Postsecret

I'm a big fan of the website Postsecret. People write their secrets on postcards and send them in, and every Sunday Frank posts some of them on the blog for the whole world to read.

I've always wanted to send a secret in. A thousand secrets. It's disturbing sometimes how many thoughts go around in my head, and my fear of what would happen if I ever let them out.

Today I created a postcard, not being able to find one suitable, wrote my secret on it and I sent it off to Frank in Maryland. I was terrified. I very nearly put it in an envelope, because I was sending it overseas and didn't want the post people to read it, then I realised that I was defeating the whole point of the blog. The point is to release your secrets. So, I wrote the address on the back, and off it went.

I won't show you the postcard, and I won't tell you the secret (although if you can crack my handwritten code it's in my scrapbook). I might tell you if it ever it appears on the blog.

Urk, I can't believe I did it.


Oh no, now I have another random blog to follow! :op
Sharing secrets is good, even anonymously. Sometimes it's easier to say what you really need to when you say it to someone who doesn't understand.