New hair dye, and a missing friend

In preparation for meeting SN on Saturday night, GKL and I dyed my hair again. Unable to get to the shop that sells the brightly coloured Dimensions dyes I love, I ended up getting a Live Highlights one. Bright purple, naturally. We couldn't be bothered to just to the streaks, so GKL plonked the whole lot on. Now I have, surprise surprise, purple hair. Well, more of a plum actually. But it looks good. My hair always does.

And speaking of SN, aside from that very brief conversation on Facebook late Saturday evening (in which he promised to make it up to me however I wanted), I haven't heard from him since. No delivery reports coming from texts I've sent. He hasn't messaged me on Facebook, he hasn't been on MSN. Considering we spent all of last week talking through one of those three mediums, him disappearing is making me a little uncomfortable. How long do I give it before I assume he's done what all the others did, and what he swore he wouldn't do?

I dunno. It's a shame. OK, him being so nice got me a little confused about my relationship with N, but he was nice, and I hoped we could be at least friends. Looks unlikely now, doesn't it.


Purple hair is cool! :o)

I would say not to give up on SN just yet... there are a number of entirely plausible reasons for sudden vanishing, particularly from the internet and texts. Could be he lost his phone? Or the charger for it? His internet broke? His computer broke? Some huge family crisis has him away from both?