Date:- 4th April 2009
New Thing:- own llama
This week's new thing will only really make sense to knitters, or anyone who can appreciate the delights of yarn.
For GKL's birthday a month ago we were going to go on a tour of five or six yarn stores across the local area, do a bit of experimenting. See if we couldn't find somewhere to shop other than Abakhan (which was getting a bit tedious). Then she had an accident and the trip was postponed. On Thursday we decided that we'd do it, and on Saturday we went a-travelling, with C along for the ride.
Let's skip over the getting lost part (we weren't lost. I knew where we were the whole time, it just wasn't where we were meant to be) and move on. We visited 3 of the 5 stores on my list. Another one was no longer around, and we gave up on the last one so we had enough time to get back to the first one. The first two shops were linked, on the same stretch of road. I'm not going to tell you where it is, because the three of us decided to keep it as our own secret little heaven, but those shops are absolute heaven.
Of the two shops, one sold really good yarn, and the other sold really REALLY good yarn. No one but a knitter will know what this means, but they had Noro. Lots and lots of beautiful, delicious, expensive Noro. NORO!! While C and GKL were fondling the Noro and looking at books, I was over at a display of all kinds of yummy soft yarn. I held a ball of alpaca (practically drooling) and C points out that they might have the llama I wanted.
Quick explanation of the llama thing - I'm a nerd. I'm obsessed with a flash video online (google 'llama song'), so much so that I had the word 'llama' tattooed on my hand in mirror writing. So when I found out that you could buy yarn made from llama hair, I knew I had to have some. C's knitting goal was to own a ball of Noro (which he now does) and mine was to own llama.
The lady in the shop (wonderful woman) says that, actually, they do have llama. I start grinning. She hands me this skein of terracotta orange yarn. I take it from her and have a mini orgasm at how wonderful it feels. I can't describe how soft it feels. All the words I can think of are wholly inadequate. I'm there, holding this yarn, stroking it and I'm giggling and sighing and drooling and getting dizzy and getting palpitations and all sorts. This yarn is amazing! I take it over to C and GKL who admire it with me, and I say that I might buy it, no matter how expensive it is, even though it's orange. Then that wonderful shop lady tells me two pieces of information. A) it's only £5 something a skein, not nearly as expensive as I was expecting. B) they have it in other colours. Holding my breath, I ask if they have purple. And she hands me this beautiful skein...
OH MY GOD! Not only am I holding deliciously soft, 100% baby llama yarn, but it's in purple too!
I brought the skein. And, on the way to the counter, when the yarn in my hand begged me not to leave its lover on the shelf, I picked that one up and brought both of them.
So now I own two skeins of deliciously soft, 100% baby llama yarn, in purple.
(Viva la purple!)
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