Introducing... Comet

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Comet. Comet is my new laptop, purchased (surprise!) from Comet. PC World were out of stock of the two I was interested in. Why display items if you don't have them in stock? Morons.

Anyway, Comet is an Acer Aspire 5735, and has 4gb Ram (that's 8 times what Archimedes had) and 500gb of harddrive space (that's more than eight times what Archimedes had) and a dual core processor and a webcam and all sorts. Most importantly, it has keys! Lots of them. All of them. Allow me to demonstrate.





Of course, I could have done that on Archimedes, but my finger would be bleeding by now.

I love Archimedes. We went through a lot together, and he served me well. But his time is over. Once I'm sure I haven't left anything on him I'll be taking to him with a hammer, or possibly a screwdriver. Maybe both. Comet, I'm sure, will serve me well too. I bloody hope. She cost a bit more than I'd budgeted for, but it is well worth it. She's beautiful.


Thats the same laptop i have!
mines an acer 5735