one day one sentence updates

Thursday 2nd April 2009 - overslept, again, then spent a few hours at Keele stitching with friends and having a certain ex-friend's stench melt my nose from the inside.

Friday 3rd April 2009 - handed in an assignment with hours to spare, and celebrated the end of term with Brownies, Easter bonnets and Guiding songs.

Saturday 4th April 2009 - a yarn store tour that started with going a few miles out of the way and ended with ridiculous giggles over the two skeins of 100% baby llama yarn I brought.

Sunday 5th April 2009 - woke up at 10pm and felt like crap because I'd missed my best friend's party.

Monday 6th April 2009 - finished the washcloth I was making for my boyfriend, only to discover (d'oh!) that variegated yarns don't work well with patterns.