Yarn, a Civil War, N and Some Drugs

First up some knitting news. There's this great site called Ravelry. This is not news, not to those of you who knit or crochet anyway. I recently joined Ravelry and was browsing through the swaps groups. I'd either just missed all the sign up deadlines, or the budget was too expensive for me, so I went ahead and set up two of my own.

This one is a purple themed swap, for people who are as nutty about purple as I am. And this one is a low budget one I've created. If you knit or crochet or sew, or any type of craft actually, come join!

In other news, I've now done major revision for two main American wars. The Revolution and the Civil War. I realised that the four sections I've chosen to revise for the reassessment exam (which, btw, is on August 11) are all wars. Is it co-incidence, or just me being a bloodthirsty wench? Who knows. I'm nearly done with the Civil War section now. Lincoln had been shot, the Confederates have surrendered, everyone has saluted each other, Thirteenth Amendment blah blah blah. Just one more aftermath chapter to go, then I can move on to World War II.

I'm kinda glad I didn't start my essay after the Revolution section. Last week in the post I received a new module document from the Humanities office. They'd sent me last year's, and the essay titles I was considering were now invalid. D'oh! I've decided I'm going to wait until I've typed up all four sections and do the essay on whichever I'm least happy with, as I'll be able to use outside resources. That'll leave me with my three strongest subjects for a two question exams. Simple. In theory.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - lesson learned! I'm going to start going to flipping lectures!!

I've had a good week. I came up to Leyland to see N after the Brownie theatre trip on Saturday. His parents are on holiday so he had the week booked off work. It's been nice to be with him. Despite what people sometimes think of us, we haven't been having sex constantly. In fact, I don't think we've had sex since early Monday morning. We wake up - well he wakes up first and sits at his computer playing until I wake up. We cuddle a bit, then he goes to his game and I sit on his bed with my laptop. He'll get on with his games and his anime, I'll get on with my blog checking (current count 60, not including facebook, twitter and ravelry) and my history work. We basically ignore each other, lol. Apart from occasional cuddles, and he'll turn to me and check I'm okay and give me a kiss and rub my foot or whatever every so often. Sometimes we curl up on the bed or the sofa to watch a movie. We've finally finished watching Battlestar Galactica - crappy ending. We have breakfast, and lunch, and dinner and supper. I've been eating sensibly, and not binging, which is always good. N calls our current status quo being "domestic". I'm not sure it's quite how I picture "domestic", but I'm happy with it. I like being around him.

And although I'm exhausted - sitting in sweltering heat and typing up a brick-sized history book, watching twelvty hundred episodes of Come Dine With Me, kissing a handsome nerd, and knitting a scarf (Oh! A) Knitting a scarf in sweltering July is NOT fun and B) who knew how bloody difficult it was to be random on purpose) is bloody exhausting - I've been sleeping well. N's bed is wonderful. He has that memory foam thing mattress, and deliciously soft sheets - I'm going to root around for the label tomorrow, I wanna know what they're made of, cos it sure as hell isn't my standard sheets. I sleep well even when I have nightmares. Being near N, even though we don't sleep in the same room here, makes me feel more secure and happy in myself. It's a good thing. Plus, he's lasted a whole 5 days of my company. By the time I go home tomorrow I'll have been here almost six days, which I think is the longest time we've ever spent together. Normally my constant company grates on him after a few days (I think anyone's company does, not just mine), but we've done well this time. He had a very very very minor blip the other day, but it was gone almost as soon as it arrived.

Finally, a little bit of good news. Sort of. Fluoxetine - the wonderful prozac type anti-depressant - is more than a little bit responsible for the return and status quo of the N that I fell in love with and the locking away of the distant moodswinging sod I keep breaking up with. A few weeks ago I found out that his doctor hasn't put him on a repeat prescription and I've been terrified that said doctor will take him off the drugs and he'll go back to being the moodswinging sod. GKL and I have had (only very slightly joking) conversations about hunting down the doctor and threatening him to keep N on the drugs, or pleading, or breaking down and crying about how much I love drugged-up N. But there's no need, because this morning N went to see said doctor and he's been put on a repeat prescription for a year. Yay for drugs!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go to sleep. Memory foam and the smell of N calls to me. Goodnight, all.