Exam results

Today undergraduates at Keele got given their module results for the year. I got given 20% for History attendance (god knows why) and got 29% for the exam, getting a paltry 14% for the grade. I failed, miserably, but that was expected so I don't feel too bad. Just waiting for the reassessment timetable to go up, so I know when my exam is.

I did three other modules this semester. Student Volunteering, which was a pass/fail course, not graded. I passed, but that's not surprising since I dedicate half my life to Guiding. Sex and Survival was... boring. I went to the first lecture but the woman didn't say anything that wasn't on the powerpoint, and the lecture time was right in the middle of Stitch and Bitch so I decided to skip the lectures and just read the powerpoints. Except of course that I never got around to reading the powerpoints. Still, it was a multiple choice exam, with no negative marking (meaning I had no points deducted for wrong answers). I had a good chance of passing, and I did. 50%. Woohoo.

Politics I actually enjoyed, but things went very messy towards the end of the semester. My essay grade wasn't great, and I was disappointed with the workbook too. I missed the class test and didn't do overly well in the exam, but I was hopeful. My grade? 40% The minimum possible score I could have got to still pass. GKL says I have more jam than Hartleys. I have to agree.

So I only failed history. Just one to reassess. Just waiting for dates.