A possible insult, and Torchwood

I received a comment on one of my posts today, the one about finally getting a flight.

You might wand to take into account that some airlines charge larger people for two seats due to a series of law suits from people who suffered injury as a result of having no room due to someone taking up half their seat. No idea what the threshold is but 27stone may be approaching it.

I don't know who sent it, or if it was meant as friendly advice or as an insult, but I got insulted. Don't even know why. It's also ridiculous. Nowhere on the airline's website did it have a section for people over 27 stone to buy a flight. I never saw anything in the booking form, or any other flight website I looked at. Besides, I may be 27 stone, but I don't look anywhere near it. And I may fit into chairs more snugly than other people, but I don't take up two fucking seats!!

Oh, mild rant over. On to TORCHWOOD. I just watched the first part of Children of Men. I didn't even realise it was on tonight until I saw some facebook statuses. I missed it on tv, but I caught it on that wonderful iPlayer invention thingy.


It was pretty good. Belly bombs, babies, frozen children. And Jack's a dad!! Screw that, Jack's a granddad!!! Who knew? It was good, and they ended on a right cliffhanger. Will Jack recover from being blown to teeny tiny pieces? Did flying through the air with bad CGI from an explosion behind her harm Gwen's baby? Will Ianto ever admit that he bats for the other team, especially now him and Jack are official? Will the Torchwood team ever reach numbers of higher than three ever again? Will that nosy new lady at the Home Office get the sack for spying on her boss? Most importantly, where the hell is the Doctor?!!!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode.

(I think this blog deserves a new label. My first (I think, I'll double check) geek out on this blog. In case you hadn't noticed, I am a geek. My first date with N was to a Doctor Who convention.)