Weekend is Over

I'm vaguely edgy. I had a mild panicky moment last night about going to Maine. Lots of worries and questions that I can't do anything about, but I still worry about anyway. I know, logically, that the plane will take off and arrive safely. I know that I'm not going to get turned down for entry and have to spend four months in the airport like Tom Hanks. I know that I'm not going to get murdered, especially not in Portland, Maine, of all places. I know that I'm not going to lose the folder with all the paperwork in it. I know that even if I have an episode or two while I'm over there, I'll survive. I know that I'm not going to spend all semester alone in my room. I know I'm not going to flunk out (actually not so sure about that one).

I know all these things logically, but I can't help worrying about them. I worry. It's in my nature.

But aside from that things have been okay. N came down on Friday and we've spent the weekend doing what we usually do. Sleeping, eating, watching DVDs and... well, do I need to spell it out for you? Lol. And lots and lots and lots of kissing. I like the kissing. Kissing is nice, especially with him. I like kissing him.

I'm really going to miss him when I go away. Not sure how I'll cope without him for four months. If it wasn't for the interwebs I probably wouldn't. But we have email and msn and webcams and googletalk and twitter and facebook and all sorts. It'll be ok. But I will still miss him like crazy.

He's lovely. Guess what he got me for my birthday? He got me an iPod touch. Actually, he brought a secondhand one for himself, then decided it would make a good gift for me. So I got it. It's very cool. Lots of applications. Lots of funky options and things. At the moment I'm playing a game where you throw a piece of screwed up paper into the bin. Because you can't do that in real life. Lol. Isn't technology fun.