An exhausting weekend

The good news is that over the weekend I went to bed at a decent hour in the evening and woke up in the morning. Normal sleeping hours. The bad news is it didn't last. I woke up at 3pm today. The only reason I was on normal hours is because my baby sister was up for the weekend.

Family friend ML brought my baby sister M up for the weekend. Said baby sister is not much of a baby anymore, she's 12 in September, but she'll always be my baby sister, despite her size. She's developing size wise the same way as her father and her grandmother. Ie, big. She's tall and chunky, and beautiful. So far this year I've only seen her a couple of times and she's shot up. She walked into Brownies on Friday and was humungous! Especially compared to all my teeny tiny Brownies. I think my brain still thinks of her as Brownie-sized.

We had a good weekend, even if things didn't go as planned. The original plan was for her, me, ML, GKL and N to go to the West Midlands Safari Park. But then N couldn't come down because he's broke after giving me money for the flight, and GKL had errands to run. And ML and I were completely and utterly broke, so the safari park was out. But she helped me sort my room out, and get things ready for a car boot sale, and we did some beading and watched tv and got things ready for a July 4th picnic we had planned for the late afternoon with GKL.

We got to Keele hall with bagels and donuts and muffins and pasta salad and oreos and chips and coke. And we enjoyed a slightly breezy overcast afternoon for about ten minutes before it started to rain. Then we came back and finished the picnic in my living room. It was still a fun evening, despite ML. When I say family friend I mean he's someone I was friends with a long time ago who won't bloody go away. I don't like him, neither of my sisters like him, my mum can barely tolerate him. He just clings. Years ago I got totally sick of him and wrote him a nice letter telling him exactly what I thought of him. 6 A4 pages of no-holds-barred, vaguely bitchy absolute truth. He disappeared for a day or two, then showed up at my door again. I asked him what he was doing there, had he not read the letter. He said he had, but he knew I'd been having a bad day and he forgave me. WTF?!! I screamed at him, told him I didn't want forgiving, that I meant every sodding word of it and to get the hell out of my house. I didn't see him for about a year. He's back in my life, but only because he's an utter idiot who doesn't realise that people use him. I use him. I fully admit that. But I've tried getting rid of him and it didn't work.

Anyway, back to my sister. Sunday the car boot sale didn't happen because we couldn't get a table, that and ML decided he wanted a cut of the profits (because we'd be using his car blah blah blah) and I wasn't willing to give him any. M and I stayed in my bed for the morning watching Chuck and having fart fights. Is there any better way of expressing sisterly love that a fart fight? Lol. Around 2 o'clock she decided she wanted to play Monopoly so we got the board out. By 4 o'clock - the time ML had wanted to leave to avoid the traffic - the game was in full swing and no where near finishing, so he agreed to stay later. To leave after the traffic instead. Shortly after that M went bankrupt and left the game. She watched me and ML carry on, but got bored after a while. ML and I could have carried on forever, but we set a time and agreed to finish then and count up, and play something else with M. The agreed-upon time arrived and I was winning so stubborn-assed ML refused to admit defeat. We bickered for a bit. Eventually we wrote down how much money and property we each had, who's turn it was next, where our pieces were on the board etc, and agreed to pick up the game again in August. Stubborn sod. If I'd been losing I'd have admitted defeat.


We played poker after that. I expected to lose miserably, since I'd never played before. But I took to it pretty well. I won. I'm good at bluffing apparently. Whether or not I'll be so eager to bluff when I'm playing for money is yet to be seen.

They left early evening yesterday. I love M and I miss her like crazy being two hundred odd miles away. But I forget how exhausting she can be. She's one of those kids that needs constant attention. She's no good at picking up a book and going off by herself for an hour or two like I used to. She needs entertaining all the time. It's okay for a day, but then it gets difficult. Exhausting. I'm looking forward to spending the week alone. Other than weightwatchers tomorrow I don't have to go out at all this week. And then on Friday N is down for the weekend. Can't wait. I've really missed him. Which isn't really a good sign. It's been a few weeks since I've seen him and I'm missing him like crazy. How am I gonna cope for 4 months?