More Writer's Inklings

I've been over this before. I like to type. I like to type even more when I can do it without making a squillion mistakes. In doing my history revision I've found that although it's a big waste of time, I learn more and take things in from textbooks more when I type up what I'm reading. Not just making notes, but typing the whole thing out. It takes a lot longer, but I take it in more. The trouble is that I can read faster, and my brain thinks a lot faster than my fingers can type. I spend almost as much time deleting and retyping than I do typing things out in the first place. I'm doing it now. I'll stop, and demonstrate. For the rest of this blog I won't go back and correct any mistakes, as hard as it'll be to let spelling mistakes and errors lsip though, I'l;l do it. Just to demonstrate how difficult I find it to keep up with brain. My bloody fingers are dyselcvix.

GKl ahs been going on more an more about her writing recently. About ideas that she has, abd about how she doesn't have to time write. And I get drustrated. I have ideas, but I just can't bloody write. I have time, I just can't write. One of the bloggers I read issued a challenge the other wday with the word "pulse" as ain inspiration point. My mind instantly buzzed with ideas and little characters popping up and doing their business for ame to write about, but I couldn't do it. I brought up a word page, and tyuped 'pulse' at the top of it, and sat there staring at the page for a while. Most aggravating.

I wrote about this a while ago. I decided to start doign writing exercises on here. I even did one of them, b ut got distracted. I started to do the second exercise in that series just now, but opened it up and though.t "meh, that's really boring/" It was the standard, free writing exercise. Just automatically type for three mointus (that was meant to be minutes) a day amd look back on them in a few months to take inspiration form them. I'mve done years and years and freewriting. I used to have a bajillion notebooks full of the stuff. It never yeildied any results. I can't be arsed to do it all again. I have a blog for my random ramblings. I just watn to type. I don't want to ype yup history notes, although I will in a minute, I want to type my own work. I want all the buzz and creativity and characters and ideas in my brain to maek their way through the fingers to page, but they won't. Damn my stupid writers bslock.

-- for those of you keeping track, that was about 24 words with mistakes in --