
Today has been weird. This morning I had an edgy attack. I woke up late and missed the first two sessions of orientation (although they were just tours) so I headed to the student center to meet the group for lunch. I was sat in the room reading when the others arrived and they got their lunch. Then, the people I'd been considering friends went and sat at a table far away from me. I nearly cried, then I sat there and sulked for a bit, before I came to my senses and snapped out of it. I stood up, got some food and went and joined their table instead. Simple.

I was a bit edgy for the next hour or so, but the afternoon in Old Port was fun. I walked off alone to do some shopping and enjoy the sun and had a good day. I brought some postcards for me, and to send home, and I brought a couple of christmas presents for people too. I went to Dunkin' Donuts and had a very large grape drink and some donut holes, and I sat by the wharf for a while. It was really nice being back by the sea, I've missed that seaside smell living in Stoke. Just before the coach left to return I picked up a sub for dinner, but when we got back to Gorham I ended up joining Holly, Geni, Johnny, Yab and Warren in the cafeteria and filling a small carrier bag with Cap'n Crunch. The stuff is yummy.

Anyway, instead of going to my room after dinner, I went along with Holly, Geni and Johnny to the gym. I willingly walked up a nice steep hill. I'm quite proud of all the exercise and things I've been doing. I haven't been overeating either. In the gym I sat by the wall and watched the three of them throw a basketball at the hoop in a vain attempt to sink it. I have to admit they did sink a few. After a while I decided to head off for a walk, but as I stood up I thought that maybe I'd have a go first. I sank the ball on my first shot, so kept playing. Just throwing and catching, letting the others do all the running.

I was having fun, enjoying myself, and feeling quite pleased with myself. Then the ball went just past me and I reached out to catch it. I just missed it so I followed it, jogging a little. Then everything went slow-motion. I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn't stop myself. I could feel my body leaning too far forward and couldn't stop it. While my arms were still reaching for the ball, I smacked into the ground. Boobs first, then my face. Legs bounced in the air, knees smacking against the floor. It was not fun.

The others asked if I was okay, and I sat up and said I'd stay on the ground for a bit. I felt ridiculous. I waited a minute, with my hand to my face, then made an exit. I've cut the middle of my top lip a few times with my teeth, my two front teeth hurt, my chest hurts, my knees hurt. My pride is a little wounded too, not that I had much to begin with.

The most significant impact was the miniature episode I had. I got back to my room and promptly burst into tears. Even when I was a skinny assed teenager, I was never very athletic (aside from riding my bike everywhere). Since I've put on the weight I've avoided exercise and since I did my ankle in I avoided it even more. Today, I made a decision to go out instead of hiding in my room (which in itself is a big acheivement for me when I'm edgy), I willingly exhausted myself walking up a short hill, and I joined in an active game. I joined in with other people, despite my fears and my edginess. I did some exercise. I was active and moving.

I was proud and enjoying myself, and pretty chuffed. Then I fall over and smack my face open. All I could think was that it was punishment for daring to join in. That I should have known better. I'm good at watching, I should stick to it and stop trying to expand my boundaries. I know, logically, that those thoughts were stupid, but I couldn't help feeling it. It's what my depression does to me.

I spoke to Neil for a bit, and I felt better after a little sobbing. But I still feel a little stupid. In situations like this I would quite happily hide in my room for a few days, or weeks, but I can't. Tomorrow we have a meeting about our visas which I can't miss. I don't want to stay in my room and hide, even though I kinda do at the same time.

I feel kinda weird. My lip still hurts, and my chest still aches, but it's not that. I feel silly, and I want to hide, but I don't want to at the same time. I don't want to let my depression and my fears ruin my experience here. I'll leave my room tomorrow and face the others, and I'll laugh it off and be self-deprecating like I usually am.

Note to self though - eating a sub with a split lip is not fun.


Going out and joining in is very good! Joining in with activities you would usually shun and making friends is good for you, so please don't let a little set back spoil things. We all fall over sometimes. My feet are tiny compared to my height and I used to fall over all the time! I would always stick to the back of a group when walking so that no one would notice me constantly tripping over! Glad to say I've finally gained some balance and can even walk down stairs without holding the hand rail in fear (after flying down so many times!)
No one's going to think you stupid for falling over, it happens.
I'm glad you're sounding generally happier and not letting your depression get the better of you :o)