What I'm...

(meme copied from this blog.)

Making : in the middle of a Christmas present for mum and last year's anniversary present for Jen
Cooking : don't really cook, did just make myself a salad though
Drinking : apple squash
Reading: "Obsidian Butterfly" from the Anita Blake series
Wanting: this week to go quicker
Looking: at my HUGE list of blogs
Playing: Grease 2 soundtrack
Wasting: electricity using the fan, but it's far far too hot to not use it
Sewing: the anniversary present for Jen
Wishing: that I had my teleportation skills perfected so I could pop back and see Jen and Neil whenever I wanted
Enjoying: the cool breeze coming from the fan
Waiting: to see Dave Gorman in Andover tomorrow night
Liking: my life in general right now
Wondering: whether it's too early to go to bed
Loving: Neil!
Hoping: things go ok with my travelling on Monday
Marvelling: at my own technological ineptitude
Needing: to take my bowl out to the kitchen
Smelling: warm and stale living room smell
Wearing: my pyjamas
Following: lots of fun people on blogs and twitter
Noticing: that this sofa doesn't have a very comfortable arm
Knowing: that I'll cope better in America than I think I will
Thinking: that it's never too early to go to bed
Feeling: like I want to teleport to Preston for a cuddle
Bookmarking: some new blogs to catch up on
Opening: a packet of tictacs
Giggling: at the funny scripting of Eureka

Feeling: apprehensive