New Thing # 23

Date:- August 1st 2009
New Thing:- have green eggs and ham.

I know this is the third in a few days, but we're at the start of the eighth month of the year, and I'm not over half way yet. Even though I'm gonna be doing a lot of new things in Maine, I'm trying to catch up a little.

So I made green eggs and ham. Obviously.

I like Dr Suess, he's very wise. I have or two quotes of his on my wall. "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." "Today you are you, that is truer than true, there will never be anyone youer than you." The man is a genius.

I've heard about parents making green eggs and ham with their kids, to encourage them to read, you know? I decided to have a go. Now when I think green eggs and ham, I think of a green fried egg, but I can't think of any way to dye the egg green. So I settled on green scrambled egg and ham.

Here's the before shot...

Here's the green eggs and ham...

Doesn't look too appetising does it? I couldn't stop giggling while I was making it, and GKL couldn't stop making grossed out noises. But I set myself to trying it, so I tried it. The ham was delicious, but then it usually is. The eggs.. they tasted like eggs. I haven't made scrambled eggs in years, and when I did I made them with full cream milk. GKL only had full skimmed in her fridge. I don't know if it was the different milk or my cooking skills or the green colouring, but I couldn't stomach more than one or two mouthfuls.

So, green eggs and ham not a success. But if anyone finds a way to dye a fried egg green I'll happily give it a go.