New Thing # 25

Date:- August 21st 2009
New Thing:- make bread from scratch

My dad was always baking when I was younger, and Jen has recently become addicted to it. I've made cakes before, but I've never made bread. So I dug out one of my mother's recipe books, recruited by glamorous assistant Michaela...

...and laid out my ingredients for my customary 'before' picture.

I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I didn't quite anticipate the waiting. Once we'd sifted all the flour...

...and mixed it all up...

...we pounded it to death.

(Not sure if this'll work, but here's a video of Michaela taking some frustrations out on the bread.)

And after we'd done all that, we had to put it in the airing cupboard and let it settle. Then we got to pound it a bit more, and then put it in tins. We couldn't find any bread tins so we made square bread...

Cue another trip to the airing cupboard and another wait for it to rise. Mine rose okay, but Michaela's was a little wonky...

Into the oven, more waiting, and out of the oven.

Here's the dangerous part. I picked the tin up with the tea towel except that when I turned it over to tip the bread out, the tea towel slipped and I didn't realise. Cue me dropping the tin, shrieking and rushing to the cold tap. I spent most of the evening with my pinky finger in the freezer, then in a glass of ice. It was fine while it was cold, but hurt when the cold wore off. Not a big injury. This morning it was fine, no pain and just a little bit of shiny skin.

The bread looked good though...

Tasted good too. I sliced it up while it was still warm enough to melt the butter. Was scrummy yummy delicious. Not sure if I'll do it again though.