Monkey news

I have a very-nearly finished monkey! Thanks to work in the car on our (only mildly disastrous) trip to Birmingham yesterday, and this evening's Stitch and Bitch session, and an hour or two with GKL and new friend MR in my living room, and three hours of insomnia and bad movies (not impressed with Dark Knight) I have... stitched the body, sewn up the body bar a stuffing hole, made two-tone ears and attached them, made a tail and attached it and made a bloody awkward snout thing and spent at least an hour trying to attach that too. Now all he needs is eyes and stuffing. I can't stuff him before I get eyes on him, cos that's just silly.

I do have some safety eyes. I brought the biggest ones they had in Abakhan the other day, but having tested them on Thursday's face earlier they're ridiculously too small. Must buy big buttons. One more excuse to go shopping Saturday. Like I needed another one.