New Thing # 41

Date:- 21st November 2009
New Thing:- Hold a human brain

Now, I could have chosen "going to the Bodies exhibit" as my new thing, but it's much more fun to have that I held a human brain. I wrote about the exhibit in this blog, but here's a bit more and some pictures too.

It (the brain) was really heavy, but the guy said it was cos of the preservation technique. That they'd basically turned it into plastic. It took a while for my brain to realise that I wasn't just holding another model of a brain, that this one came from a real person and that it was a real brain. Then I nearly dropped it. It was very cool and very gross and very fascinating all at the same time. I couldn't help but think about all the thoughts that had gone through that brain, about all the memories in there.

We weren't allowed to take photos, but here's a picture of a random brain....

And here are a few more pictures...