Boston and New York - part one

So I arrived in Boston safely, after a nice comfy coach trip with free movie and snack. Very cool. Boston, however, is ugly. It's ugly and mean. I was groped by some pervert on the subway, when I went to get a drink in Dunkin Donuts a twat tried to steal my bag, and when I went on a random bus journey to calm down, the flipping bus crashed! It hit a stop and shattered the windows. Joy.

I ended up in the only good thing about Boston. It's beautiful public library. It's like a mansion! So gorgeous. I'll be adding pictures when I'm back at my own computer. Oh, the second good thing about Boston is that I won some money on a scratchcard. Woohoo.

I was supposed to be spending another night in Boston on Sunday but I decided I wasn't having any of that and made arrangements to stay here in New York another night instead, and I am sooooo glad I did. I love New York. From the second we crossed the bridge I felt so much better. This city is amazing.

Of course, being me, the first thing I did when I got settled at the hostel was something I could do absolutely anywhere. I went to see a movie. 2012. Now, I know that global disaster movies terrify the pants off me. This is not news. So why did I go see one on my own? Why did I go see THAT one? Cos I'm completely insane. I spent most of the movie with my hands over my face peeking through my fingers. I think, for the first time in my life, had Neil been there I would have buried my head in a man's shoulder during the movie. Oh, another comment. Of all the dog breeds on the planet, they had to save that one?! Seriously? It's not a dog!! It spends about two seconds walking on the ground on it's own. A dog that can be carried is not a dog!!

Anyway, I digress. After the movie I treated myself to dinner at a place that wasn't a major fastfood/sub sandwich chain. I went to a semi fancy cafe. When I say fancy, I mean that my water glass never had a chance to get empty cos there was a guy who's whole job was to wander round topping everyone's glass up. Forget that, when was the last time I went to a place that provided glasses of water?

Next up was Times Square. I'll quickly brush over my several hour long visit to the M&M store and the Hershey's store. The receipts have been burned. No one can prove how much money I spent. I'll never tell!! Let's just say I won't need to buy chocolate for about a year. In theory.

I'm back in the hostel now, about to go up to bed, but I have one last bit of news to share. I was sat in McDonalds writing postcards and enjoying a McFlurry and this middle-aged couple comes up to me and asks me if I know the way to the Lincoln Center. I tell them which way I think it is and they (like every other American I've ever met) pick up on the accent.

"Oh, you're from England? Here for business or pleasure?"
"Pleasure, just a vacation."
"Can we ask a question? My wife has always wanted to have sex with a larger lady...."

At this point I told them to go away. Now, I'm not sure whether I got hit on by a middle-aged couple, or whether they were taking the piss. If it was the latter, they were REALLY good at keeping a straight face. It was very weird. I felt ridiculously uncomfortable. So I left. With my McFlurry.

More adventures to come.