
This post is a little more girly than I usually write, but forgive me. I need to have a small rant.

I'm not one of those girls that will get up five hours early in order to sort their hair and pile on the makeup and try on every outfit in their wardrobe. I don't wear makeup, apart from those occasions when Jen does it for me, and I tend to wear whatever I feel comfortable in. As for my hair, well it's usually pulled up and out of the way because I get too hot with it down. But I love my hair. Aside from a disturbing tendency to molt - EVERYWHERE - I love my hair. It's deliciously soft and silky, and I pay £50 every few months to get the best hairdresser in the world to trim it and colour it. In January I plan on going back and getting my bleached highlights put back in so I can have streaks of bright colour again.

I like my hair.

Why am I telling the whole wide internet this? Because America does not like my hair. Everytime I wash it out here, it feels scratchy and tight and horrible. At first I assumed it was just the cheap shampoo I'd brought at Walmart because it smelt nice. So I changed the shampoo. I went and got some Head n Shoulders type stuff. Still the same. Considering the fact that at home I don't use conditioner, and I wash it with £1 bottles of strawberry scented shampoo, I'm beginning to suspect it isn't the shampoo I'm using here. I think it might be the water. Is that a reasonable assumption? Is it possible for water here to be so very very different from water back in England?

Whatever it is, it's annoying. I'm going to try a third shampoo, but I can't wait to get back home. I can't wait to get back to David (the amazing hairdresser) so he can work his magic. I miss my silky soft hair. I do not like it at the moment.

Let me sum it up for knitters. At home my hair is cashmere. Here, it's 100% acrylic. Not good.


Yes, all to do with water.

I notice it when moving around the UK. When I move to a soft water area it is time to bring out the conditioner. If you buy a colour safe one, it really does help hold in the colour.
Also other water additives like fluoride can have an effect.


Yes it is water. Even in different parts of a state you can notice a difference.