Friday 20th February 2009 - feeling guilty for knitting in a bar at uni, rather than doing Brownies even though it was half-term and Brownies wasn't even on.
Saturday 21st February 2009 - a craft fair in Telford, plus 2 like-minded best friends, plus 1 beading workshop, plus a stall full of shiny, minus an amount of money I refuse to admit to equals a new (another) expensive hobby.
Sunday 22nd February 2009 - an entire season of Nip Tuck, the joy of the internet, dirty texts from my boyfriend and not a single bit of work accomplished.
Monday 23rd February 2009 - woke up at 6pm, realised I'd missed all my lectures and chose to respond by diving into blogs and doing absolutely no work.
Tuesday 24th February 2009 - slept late again, woke up with an elephant sat on my head, puked a little, did a bit of work, puked some more, fell asleep, discovered the Study Abroad Exchange people have placed me in Maine and (after getting cheek-ache from grinning so much) dove into my work with renewed enthusiasm.
Wednesday 25th February 2009 - went to lectures, did some unnecessary retail therapy, cast on a new project and spent the evening whoring (meaning that I played an RPG game with some gorgeous geeks in which my character is a companion).
Thursday 26th February 2009 - still reeling from the news that my nan is getting a triple bypass I went out, had a minor episode and came straight home again, fell asleep and got woken up by my supreme goddess of a best friend who turned up armed with sherbert, donuts and frosting.
Friday 27th February 2009 - bursary in, shopping, bursary out, train, boyfriend, cuddles, sex, sleep.
Saturday 28th February 2009 - spent the day snuggling with N and reading the Yarn Harlot before coming home to spend the night with John Crichton and friends.
Sunday 1st March 2009 - boring errands followed by a delightful anniversary date with my best friend, involving an all-you-can-eat restaurant, an actually-not-very-good movie and the vital exchange of presents.
Monday 2nd March 2009 - three hours of politics followed by four hours of politics reading in the library, if you can believe the astounding excitement of my life.
Tuesday 3rd March 2009 - met with friends in town to find GKL her all important outfit for her birthday outing tomorrow then came home and partook in equally important rug-making and excessive sleeping.
Wednesday 4th March 2009 - my best friend's birthday celebrated with equally copious amounts of alcohol, laughter and humiliation.
Thursday 5th March 2009 - another day of sleeping followed by an evening of knitting and quiz night partaking.
Friday 6th March 2009 - more excessive sleeping, some worrying about my best friend and her car accident and an evening spent shivering in the bath because I was enjoying my book and couldn't be bothered to get out even though hot water was no longer forthcoming.
Saturday 7th March 2009 - body mods, shopping, milkshakes and smoothies, yarn and notions, drinking and telly and friends.
Sunday 8th March 2009 - meeting friends to see Watchmen, falling madly in love with the delightfully nekkid Dr Manhattan, eating a foot and a half of bbq rib on Italian subway with tomato, onion, sweetcorn and mayo.
Monday 9th March 2009 - slept until 6pm, woke up panicking because I'd missed a class test and two appointments, not to mention a lecture, a seminar and a workshop, spent the evening working on the Study Abroad application that I've left until the night before it was due for no apparent reason other than to bloody punish myself.
Tuesday 10th March 2009 - ran around like a headless chicken all day sorting out paperwork for the Study Abroad application and for the extenuating circumstances form so I can retake my politics test.
Wednesday 11th March 2009 - stole a tapestry, broke a tree.
Thursday 12th March 2009 - walked around Newcastle whilst shopping, and sat in Lindsay Bar Stitch and Bitching for 8 hours, all the while accompanied by a large white fluffy gorilla.
Friday 13th March 2009 - sleep, sleep, crafting, Brownies, bowling, potato skins and cheesy garlic bread.
Saturday 14th March 2009 - sleep, more sleep, watched some very talented people at the Chinese State Circus then had a sleepover with GKL.
Sunday 15th March 2009 - today was my boyfriend's birthday and what with him being a miserable sod and choosing to spend it alone I celebrated with a bit of private play, sent him some pictures and wrote an insanely mushy blog entry about him.
Monday 16th March 2009 - today I actually attended lectures, go me!
Tuesday 17th March 2009 - today I had a horrendous fever, got dizzy every time I sat up, and had a herd of elephants making camp on my head.
Wednesday 18th March 2009 - sold the ship, brought a new one, chased after an innocent witch, watched one of my shipmates murdered, ran away like a coward.
Thursday 19th March 2009 - despite planning to leave 2 hours early, still arrived 1 minute before Cirque du Soleil started, came home, dyed hair (and leg and bed and GKL) purple, set up new blog.
Friday 20th March 2009 - went to Leyland to see my darling N and take advantage of the fact that his parents are away :D
Saturday 21st March 2009 - still in Leyland, spending the day with N and reading X-men comics.
Sunday 22nd March 2009 - on the way home from Leyland today I managed to puke on the first train, all over a dude's newspaper, got dizzy and fell over at Bolton train station, puked in the bathroom of the second train and nearly fell asleep on the third train.
Monday 23rd March 2009 - woke up late, again, having missed a nurse's appointment, a load of errands, a lecture, a workshop and seminar and am trying to decide if not being suicidal is worth screwing up everything in my life.
Tuesday 24th March 2009 - ran a million errands, got a lot of work done and fell into bed exhausted at the end of the day, but feeling quite pleased.
Wednesday 25th March 2009 - another uber-productive day, topped off with a delicious Morrison's salad and a night of RPG.
Thursday 26th March 2009 - got jabbed in the butt and came 2nd in the competition to design Stitch and Bitch's new logo.
Friday 27th March 2009 - for once it wasn't my stupid idea, but spent the evening with 60+ members of Hartshill Guiding at the local bowling alley.
Saturday 28th March 2009 - ill again, but I did finish making Pierre the Penguin and sewed 80% of my family loom together.
Sunday 29th March 2009 - woke up at six, confused about whether that was AM or PM and took twenty minutes to figure it out.