Mood Swing

OK, I sulked. I got miserable. I ranted a bit to my soft toys. I cried. I contemplated doing stupid things (but didn't). Then I changed the dvd (girl, interrupted really wasn't helping) and started to do stuff. Only little bits, like sending some emails about some Brownie stuff, and ticking a couple of things off my to do list. And I feel a little better.

I realised that I have one skill that can help me here. I'm fabulous at pretending. Always have been. And being miserable and pathetic and mopey isn't helping me make friends. So, I'll pretend I'm not miserable and pathetic and mopey. I'll pretend to be happy and friendly and cheerful. See how that works out.

I was also very very sad and googled "how to make friends". I actually found a good site. It made a lot of sense, and I'll be taking some of that advice. Plus, to the side there was a link to here... I really think I should pay attention to this one. The first line of Step 1 just sums me up completely.

So, with two whole wikis worth of good advice and a whole new pretense of non-fear, I shall go into this wide world and make friends damnit!