Horwood Horror part 2, aka Dynamite Night

Ladies and gentlemen.

It's that time of year again when i need to apologise for getting completely and utterly smashed in Horwood bar last night. There are reasons why I don't go to Horwood very often.

One is flashbacks from this time last year, otherwise known as the Horwood Horror. The other is a certain drink that S introduced me to called a Blue Dynamite.

Thing is, I'm a bit of an ocd freak. How can you tell me there are five different colours of dynamite and not expect me to drink them all? As for the cider, well that was L's fault.

As far as I can remember, I didn't insult or grope or spill anyone's secrets last night, so we'll just consider it a major success over last year. If I did upset anyone, I apologise. and I guess we'll all see how drunk I get next year!