Hmmm, there are many many to choose from for this, but I've had a scroll through all the photos on my computer, and I've found this one...
I can't remember when this picture was taken, I know it was a few years ago now. But it shows me and my two sisters. Pictures of the three of us don't happen a lot. Jennie is usually on the other side of the camera, and for a long long time she was so caught up in University and things that she didn't really hang around with me and Michaela a lot.
But this picture shows a time when she was relaxed enough to sit with us, and to play with us, and the three of us are generally beating the crap out of each other. I believe that shortly after this, Michaela had to escape the pile up before she wet herself, but seeing the picture always makes me smile. It's one of the pictures I have framed on my wall.
There's obviously a big age gap between me and Jennie, and Michaela, and sometimes that's been a problem, but for the last thirteen years I've been a lot closer to Michaela than to Jennie, despite the fact that Jennie and I were raised together. When things went weird with my family when I was fifteen and I left my dad's house, I know I hurt Jennie a lot. I didn't realise it at the time, but I did. A lot. And it screwed our relationship up quite a lot.
But recently, since she's graduated and moved in with her fiance and is settled, things are a lot better. I can call her just for a chat, or for a short loan, whereas a few years ago she'd have told me where to shove it. She's getting married in a couple of months, and I'm not looking forward to having to face all the family I haven't seen in a decade and a half, but I am very proud of her. Insanely jealous, but that's related to various jealousy-issues I have regarding her.
I do love her, and I love Michaela. I love both my sisters, and when I have those moments where I don't feel too good about myself, I can look at this picture and remember that they love me too. There are very, very few pictures of the three of us together, but I think I love this one more than I'd love a posed one.
I love you Sprogget and Little Squish.
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