30 Day Meme - Day 6

Day 6 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

Firstly, major relief that there's no more "favourite" questions. As you might have gathered, questions like that annoy me. I can answer some of them though. For instance:

My favourite colour is purple.
My favourite holiday is Christmas.
My favourite comedian is Michael McIntyre (currently).
My favourite ....

Okay, so I can answer three of them. Lol. What else tickles my fancy? Cheesecake. I've been having a rough week, and I've made myself a chocolate chip and pecan cheesecake today. It's setting in the fridge. I'm trying to see how long I can wait without starting to eat it. Aside from anything else, this is the first time I've made an actual cheesecake - as opposed to cheesecake topping in a pie case - and I don't want it to collapse when I take it out of the tin.

I did get to lick out the bowl though (major advantage to baking for yourself) and it was delicious.