30 Day Meme - Day 4

Day 4 - your favourite book

No, no, no, no, no. See my responses to similar questions on Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3. I love too many different genres of book to be able to choose a favourite. Just glancing at my bookshelves I can see all Jeffery Deaver's crime books, all Terry Pratchett's books, some Harry Potter parody books, some Dan Brown, a series about the Rapture, the childrens' fantasy collection by Tamora Pierce, some Stephen King books, the Harry Potter series, the werewolf books by Kelley Armstrong, a set of werewolf/vampire/supernatural almost-porn, some zombie books, two books on Body Art, Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, the Artemis Fowl series, a couple by Roald Dahl, a collection of supernatural short stories anthologies, the Inkheart trilogy, the Anita Blake series, the Sookie Stackhouse series, the Blood series by Tanya Huff, the Narnia series, Garth Nix'x Keeper of the Keys set, the Northern Lights trilogy, a set of Superman anthologies, some Adrian Mole books and some Victorian lesbian romances by Sarah Waters.

That's just the serieseses. Doesn't include all my cross stitch/knitting/crochet books, or all my recipe books, or my billions of collections of quotes, or the hundred or so poetry books (including the set with my own poems in), or the kids books (think The Very Hungry Caterpillar), or my graphic novels, or my "adult" books. Or any of the dozens of individual books I have that don't fit in any other section.

And those are only the books that I own. There are hundreds and thousands more that I've read and enjoyed, that I've heard of but haven't had a chance to read yet...

No, no, no, no, no. I cannot narrow it down to one. Can you?