At a bus stop

I'm writing this on my phone so i'll be limited, but bare with me. I'm on my way to keele to do some work. Print off the finished politics essay and write the history essay. I've chosen a new question, one I hope will be easier. I wish GKL could help me write it though. It's practically about her. Culture and society in 1950s America. But I'll manage alone. Hopefully. Something has just occurred to me. Blogger logged me on without asking for a password. It does that at every computer I use. That can't be right, surely? Unless it has some magic system that tells it I'm the one clicking the "sign in" button, which is doubtful. I should see why it does that, before you lot cotton on that you can just click the "sign in" button and play havoc with my blog. Oh, I wonder if it'll work with other people's? Note to self, when I get to the library (after I've gathered the pile of books I need) go to GKL's blog, click the "sign in" button and see what happens....