addicted to lols

I've always liked Lolz. It started with lolcatz and moved on to loldogz and lolcelebs and growing with each new comic or site I'm referred to. I've recently discovered, thanks to N's phone, a new site called laffles. Now, I like to save the lols that really make me laugh, for future enjoyment, you know. But on Laffles you can't save them, so we were googling other instances of the same pictures. Which only led to more lols sites. Then I realised that on some of these new sites people were posting pictures from OTHER sites. It's a never ending cycle. I currently have (including quote sites and blogs) over 40 sites that I check for updates on a daily basis. Can you say addicted?

But they're funny. They cheer me up. And here's a brilliant example. It's just cute at first, but around the 0.50 mark it gets absolutely hilarious and had me giggling for ten minutes. I want that cat.