Itchy Feet Syndrome

I inherited Itchy Feet Syndrome from my mother. She moved around a lot. I honestly can't work out how many times she moved between leaving dad and having Michaela. Since Michaela was born she's stuck in Basingstoke though.

I inherited this itchy feet thing. I left home at 16 and have had lived in 9 different places in the 12 years since then. Unfortunately moving is generally quite expensive, so I usually try to let my Itchy Feet manifest in moving furniture around. Every other month or so the Itchy Feet kick in and I can't stop myself.

A few hours ago I decided I was far too cold, and hefted my desk over to nearer the electric heater in the living room. Bad idea. Since then I haven't been able to settle properly, and have been imagining all the furniture in different places.

I'm definitely rearranging the living room, I'm just trying to wait until it's not such an indecent time. It's currently 7 in the morning, and I don't want to annoy my neighbours any more than I usually do. But I've figured out where everything is going to go. I'm moving all but one piece of living room furniture, and putting a bookshelf back into the bedroom. I want to get started already!