Not good

Ok, so as if I didn't have enough problems with sleep...

I have a bladder infection. Whilst out doing errands yesterday, in six hours I used eight different public toilets, and missed three buses because I couldn't hold it long enough. It's not painful, just uncomfortable. When I don't have to go out though, it's not too bad. I get on with my day, and take lots of bathroom breaks.

At night though... I lay down, I close my eyes, and there's nothing to distract me. Last night I had three hours sleep. Tonight I haven't been able to get to sleep at all. I can't decide if I should keep trying, or just give up and use the time to do something productive.

I have an appointment with the doctor first thing in the morning, and hopefully he'll give me some antibiotics. I'd happily have the infection for three times as long, if it went away for 8 hours a night so I could sleep!


Seeing the doctor is good, and a positive step for you, knowing your opinion of doctors.

You should get some Cystitis Salt sachets too. Try and have all six in 48 hours and that should raise the Ph value your bladder, meaning the infection has no alkaline food and will starve to death and be flushed out by your regular toilet use.

Unfortunately they only come in Cranberry (yuk) or Lemon. And have quite an acidic taste. Getting through six drinks of them in 48 hours can be a bit a chore. You can make them up, leave them in the fridge and keep coming back to them though, you don't have to down it. Take it in your own time over the 48 hours. Consider it a task in will power and treat it as a minor challenge you can succeed at. Nothing as rewarding as a sense of success. But its necessary, its all chemistry at the end of the day. We ar ejust a lose connection of chemical and eletrical reactions operating in a world of physics laws, and nothing more. Love, hate, souls, self conscious, choice, are all just an illusion. Our computer tricking us that its our choice not a chemical imperitive. I'm a miserable bugger, disregard that last paragraph if you want, it won't make you feel better.

They will might give you the antibiotic "metronidazole". If they do it is very important you don't drink alcohol with it and for 2 days after you've stopped taking it. It will make hurt your stomach very much if you do.

Get well soon. Anon


That's a hell of a comment, Anon. I wish I knew who you are.