New Thing: Challenge # 39

Challenge 39: Dye Yarn

A few months ago I won some plain yarn and some packets of kool aid for dying in a swap challenge thing. I've been meaning to get around to it since I got it, I've never dyed my own yarn before. I've also been doing all of these challenge groups on Ravelry, and since dying yarn counted as one of the challenges for September, I figured I'd do it this week.

I failed. No particular reason. I just never got around to it. The deadline for my Mammoth Secret Project is rapidly approaching, and I still have nearly half of it to finish, not including sewing it all up, So I've been trying to focus on just that. As a result, the challenge groups have kind of been ignored. I did leave one or two of the groups, but I'm kind of regretting it now. Just cos I can't participate at the moment, doesn't mean I can't go back to them in a month or so when the Mammoth Secret Project is finished. So I'm gonna go rejoin them now :-)

Current saved total: £75
Current donated total: £120