So, I love Christmas. It's my favourite holiday, and I usually spend all year thinking about it. Buying presents - one of my traditional presents is a giftbag with lots of little bits I've seen throughout the year that I think "oh, so-and-so would love that!" And I usually spend all year making bits and pieces too.
However, this year my sister decided to get
married and all thoughts for the whole year have been on that, and on completing the Mammoth Secret Project - which I can reveal was for their wedding present. I failed to finish it in time, so they got given Christmas presents instead and the MSP will be their Christmas present. Because of the wedding though, no one in my entire family could spare much thought for Christmas.
But they're married now. Married, honeymooned and back being Mr and Mrs. So we can pay attention to Christmas!!
I love Christmas, did I mention that? I love everything about it. I love the lights and the decoration. I love the presents and the food. I love the planning and shopping and preparation. I love the carols and the traditions. I've been known to buy presents as early as the January before and spend all year wrapping and unwrapping and rewrapping them. This year I have to do everything in 41 days!! Impossible.
I wrote out my Christmas cards the other day. Mostly because I had some I brought in the sales last year, and needed to know how many more to get. I've had a Christmas tree up for a week, undecorated, so that Smudge can get used to it. So far she's been more interested in the box than the tree.
But it's a plain tree. I've been itching all week to decorate it. I asked my friends yesterday whether it was too early to put up Christmas decorations. Meagan said it was ok, but then hers have been up for weeks. My mum's friend Lynn said that if it makes me feel good, then I should do it. Everyone else said it was too early. Bah, bunch of Scrooges. So I asked the Ravellers. Most of them said it's my house and I can do what I want. Unfortunately I was ill yesterday and probably would have fallen over if I'd tried. But I got out the box, and went through what I have.
I don't actually have much. Over the years I've lost a lot of bits, and tinsel and garlands never really last long. So I made a list :D I have a few baubles and things, but not nearly enough for the huge tree my mum gave me this year. I need new baubles, and tinsel, and garlands. I also need more lights, since I appear to not have any. Quick search on ebay and I found these...
Of course I had to buy them. Which means that the day they arrive is the day the decorations go up :D Purple lights!!! How cool is that? When I do my errands on Tuesday I'll go get some tinsel and bits and pieces. I can't wait for Christmas :D I'd have decorations up all year round if I could. But people give me funny looks.
I do have a load of Christmas-themed cross stitches and things in frames, that were in my Christmas box. I'd planned to have them up with the decorations, but I've decided I want them up all year round. My living room is so full of random frames with random pictures and quotes and craftwork and things, it's not like they're going to stand out. And I'm proud of them, damnit.
Hmmm, my Christmas blog appears to have descended into rambling. Not quite what I wanted. But there you go. I love Christmas :D