30 Day Meme - Day 13

Day 13 - A Fictional Book

(Let's just ignore the fact that there's been a 20 day gap between Days 12 and 13.)

Okay, a fictional book. I read a lot. Not as much as I'd like, because it's hard to read while crafting, and I craft a lot too. I tend to read mostly in the bath, or while on buses.

I have a lot of books. 433 of them. Not all of them fictional, but mostly. And I haven't actually gotten around to reading many of them. I tend to follow serieseses, and when a new book comes out I'll buy that, even though I haven't caught up with the rest of the series yet. And because I'm reading so many series at the same time, I get way behind. It doesn't help, of course, that when a new book comes out after a long break, I have to re-read the rest of the series to catch up. Which is the situation I find myself in at the moment.

Recently the new Artemis Fowl book came out. Artemis Fowl is a series of children's books by Eoin Colfer about an evil boy-genius and elfs/fairies/centaurs, etc. It's very cool. The new book is the seventh one, and it's been two years since the sixth book was released. I haven't read them in that time, so although I know the general plot, I needed my memory refreshing. So I have to re-read books one through six. I brought the new book a couple of weeks ago, but I've lent it to Cayden (who also reads the series). He's more likely to read it before I get to it. I'm only on book two.

I want to read it. I want to read the two latest Discworld books. I want to finish the Harry Dresden series that I'm only three books into. I want to read all the Jeffery Deaver books I've collected but haven't read yet. I want to read the hundred or so other books I get but never get round to reading. But I also have waayyy too many crafting projects to finish, a few hundred gigabytes of TV shows and movies to watch...

It's a very good thing I don't have a job.