New Thing # 18

In the absence of sleep I have decided that I shall (finally) update you on the New Things situation. I AM still doing them, I just haven't written them up. I've dispensed with the scrapbook, and I also haven't stuck to the one a week schedule, but I figure that if I get the 52 New Things done by New Year, then I'll still have kept to my resolution. I'll try to get the ones I've done written up today. Beginning with...

Date:- 19th May 2009
New Thing:- try a new fruit

While grocery shopping with GKL in Morrison's I made the spontaneous decision to try a fruit I've never tasted before. I grabbed a Sharon fruit. 50p, and it looks like this...

I don't know why I picked it. It looks, quite frankly, like a not-ripe tomato with an old stem. But I was willing to have a go, in the New Things spirit. The little sticky label attached to it said you could bite into it like an apple, but that seemed a little too brave for something I've never eaten before. So I sliced it in half. I was expecting pulpy, with a billion little seeds. GKL tells me I was thinking of pomegranete. Who knows? I've never had that either. Sliced in half the Sharon fruit had a pretty star....

(Since my pictures aren't too clear, here's a nice one from Google Image...)

It was a little intimidating to bite into something you've never eaten before, or even heard of, but I did it. It was nice. Like a peachy mango, but not nearly as sticky or slimy. Ever so slightly tart, but maybe I didn't pick a ripe one. It had a kind of grainy texture like mango has under the slime too. I enjoyed it and, if I
ever get around to it, I'll definitely have some again.