I read a lot of blogs. This is not news to anyone. A few of the blogs I read don't update very often and I tend to get very frustrated. It occurred to me this morning that I may be a bit of a hypocrite. Actually, I know I'm a hypocrite in a lot of areas, I'm just talking about this one specific area today. I get frustrated when people don't update often, but I haven't been updating my blog either. I suppose there are people who might get frustrated when they click on my link and there's nothing to read.
So here I am. I am making a conscious decision to update more regularly. Not everyday, but more often. It's not even like I don't have things to write about, so I don't know why I've been absent. My life has descended into a geeky/nerdy cycle. N has a t-shirt which describes a geek's perfect day. It goes something along the lines of: wake up, play video games, eat breakfast, play video games, eat lunch, play video games, eat dinner, play video games, eat supper, play video games, sleep. My life is becoming much like that, but with less structure food-wise. I sleep until N wakes me up through consistently texting/calling me and nagging me to wake up. I check my millions of blogs, and my email accounts, and facebook and twitter. I grab some kind of food stuff. I watch TV shows (currently obsessing over Bones, have just watched both seasons of Pushing Daisies, and when I'm with N we're watching Battlestar Galactica). If I'm not watching TV and knitting/surfing, I'm playing World of Warcraft. (I have a lot to say about this, it will come later). I repeat this tv/surf/wow/eat cycle in various routines until I fall asleep again.
A lot of this time is spent online, so I don't know why I don't blog, I just don't.
The past fortnight has actually had a helluva lot of social interaction in it, which is unusual. N came out on the Stitch and Bitch end of year outing, to see Wolverine and to join us in the Union quiz (Stitch and Bitch came 2nd). (I'm very proud of N for his socialising, and for being so generally wonderful and lovely recently). I had my traditional end of exams extravaganza, which had in attendance my lovely N, GKL and IMP, KI (who I can't believe I haven't mentioned before, and who is actually two people K and I who are most often seen together and so will be referred to as KI) and CB and her new girlfriend. C was missing, which is sad, and I haven't seen him in a few weeks, so I hope he's alright. But the party was a success, and I got presents (having decided that it would be my substitute birthday party - yes my birthday is actually in October, but I will hopefully be on a different continent by then). Me and GKL attended the society awards on behalf of Stitch and Bitch, who I am proud to announce came second for Best New Society. We lost to the Controversial Film Society, and we have decided that they were worthy opponents. If we'd lost to the Motorsports Society who came third, we would have been decidedly cheesed off. We also managed to convince the organisers to let us submit last minute candidates for colours and merits (general well-done awards) to some of our members since we hadn't recieved the nomination forms.
The Summer Party that I'd been looking forward to all semester was a major bust. It was an atrocious waste of £20. The 'fairground' consisted of three rides, one of which is regularly parked outside Argos in the town centre. Despite the provision of several music stages in order to diversify the music offered, it was all the same horrible techno hip/hop rubbish. We left after an hour. bitterly disappointed. KI, GKL and IMP went on to go bowling or to the cinema or something, while I went home feeling so disappointed I was ill and edgy. Thursday was the Super Quiz in the ballroom, with a magnificent Stitch and Bitch turnout. I was there, naturally, with IMP and GKL, and KI (who are not actually Stitch and Bitch members, but were in our team anyway). Also present were President T and his girlfriend, and MH. It was a badly organised evening (just like everything else our current Vice Preisdent: Activities and Finance has arranged this year), but prizes were won aplenty during games of horrendous bingo (cards that went up to 100, with only 90 balls available!). Stitch and Bitch won third place, actually winning money! It was only £7.80 between 8 people, but there were some cute little jewellery boxes too.
Karnage (the Krap society version of the Summer Party) was this Friday just gone. It was only £4 for non-society members, and the posters advertised a fire show, a free bbq, bouncy castle, surfboard simulator, limbo competition and many other interesting acts. I'm not one for dancing, so I like events that offer activities other than drinking and listening to music. By the time we got there after Brownies, however, the bbq had run out of food, the surfboard and bouncy castle were gone, the limbo competition was over. The music was far far better than the summer party and the people were a lot nicer to look at, but the summer weather had disappeared and it was cold and rainy and cramped and loud and I ended up leaving after an hour, again. I went home to pizza, ice cream and World of Warcraft.
Saturday was the Summer Fete at the church where I do Brownies. We had a table to run some games, in order to raise money for the unit. The Rainbow Guider provided a soft toy for a guess-my-name competition, and the Guide Leader brought a jar of sweets for the how-many-sweets competition, and CB and I sat at a table next to the "DJ" for two hours. It was not a success. After taking out the money to reimburse for the prizes, we had made a grand profit of £3 something. Of this, half was to be given to the church, and the remaining 50% was to be split between the Rainbow, Brownie and Guide units. Not a success. Cue more disappointment.
By the time I got home Satuday evening I was sick of being disappointed. I don't do social very often, and I'd been looking forward to the events of the past few weeks. The repeated disappointment had piled up on me and made me edgy. I sank into my bed and resolved not to leave for at least a week, and to quit socialising already cos it really doesn't work. Then last night N invited me up to see him in Preston and I was packed, dressed and out of the door in ten minutes.
Now I'm sat on his bed blogging while he plays a game I have no interest in whatsoever. In a while we'll watch Battlestar Galactica or play World of Warcraft of just generally cuddle. It's nice :D
And so on to World of Warcraft. N is a geek. I am a geek. N is a gaming geek, and he plays WoW. I have heard of WoW and played half an hour on his PC sometime last year, but I forgot about it because my old laptop Archimedes had a fit and died if I tried to run two programmes at once. If I'd installed and tried to play WoW it probably would have disintegrated in my lap. Then I brought a new laptop. N installed a trial for WoW for me, helped me create a character and taught me how to play. Since then he's paid for three months subscription for me. I wouldn't say I'm addicted, but I have been known to be surprised that the sun has come up whilst playing. It's fun. Hard to get used to. I've only ever played word games, or Mario, where all I have to pay attention to is the timer. There is a LOT more to focus on with WoW and I often lose control. But I enjoy it. I have three characters, but my favourite is Celeena. Celeena is a cow. Actually, she's a Tauren Hunter (currently level 36). N has a Tauren Druid who plays along with me and rescues me a lot. I have a tendency to dive off tall things into large groups of people/animals/creatures that want to kill me and get overwhelmed.
Last week I kept playing for a while after he'd gone to bed, and managed to find my way around an area called Thousand Needles, wander aimlessly until I accidently found my way up a mountain that I needed, killed a whole lot of bad guys, summoned a dragon, killed it, took what I need to complete the quest, and go back to the guy who'd sent me there to hand it in, all without dying once. I was so ridiculously chuffed with myself I texted N at three in the morning and woke him up. I'm still pleased. It was a big milestone for me.
Last night's action has made me realise that I DO NOT like underwater quests. I don't like that monsters can attack me from any side, as well as from above or below. I get killed a lot. I think I died about ten times in the course of collecting some encrusted fins.
I think I'm reasonably up to date now, I do realise I have rambled quite considerably, but it's in the title, you were warned.