New Thing: Challenge # 19

Challenge 19 – Spend 3 minutes listing things I think I can do in 3 minutes, and then test them all. Complete at least 3 to pass.

So, here’s my list...

1) Eat 15 After Eight mints (one by one, without using hands) – inspired by a dude on Britain’s Got Talent.
2) Knit 15 rows of 10 stitches, not including cast on and a foundation row.
3) Run (or walk or crawl) up AND down the stairs 3 times.
4) Stand on one leg without falling over or leaning on anything.
5) Thread 50 seed beads.
6) Drink 6 glasses of water.
7) Name 25 different colours.
8) Find 20 words from a 10 letter word given by an independent person.
9) Land 25 marbles in a bucket from the other side of the table.

And here’s what happened...

1) FAIL. I got 13 and a half. Cayden called time as I chewed the 14th. I did beat Jen. She only managed 8 and a half. Cayden tried and did all 15 in 2 minutes and 23 seconds!

2) FAIL again. I did 5 rows. I seriously overestimated how fast I knit.

3) I was tempted to not even try this one, because I didn’t think I could do it. But I did. And I did it in 1 minutes and 2 seconds. I do feel like I’m having a heart attack though.

4) FAIL! I got 2 seconds, and they let me have another try, then I got 3 seconds and landed on the cat.

5) FAIL! I got 19. Not as easy as you’d think. Cayden did it and got 51. Jammy git.

6) Pass, but not comfortably. I drank 6 200ml glasses of water in 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Talk about feeling bloated though.

7) Pass. Not as easy as it sounds, but I passed.

1. Red
2. Orange
3. Yellow
4. Blue
5. Green
6. Indigo
7. Violet
8. Black
9. White
10. Grey
11. Purple
12. Pink
13. Turquoise
14. Fuschia
15. Magenta
16. Brown
17. Lilac
18. Ivory
19. Navy
20. Mint
21. Peach
22. Cream
23. Magnolia
24. Tan
25. Silver
26. Gold
27. Bronze
28. Ruby

8) Pass. Cayden gave me the word Pabulation. I got 31 words. Cayden only got 1 (ablution) but then he spent the whole time looking for the longest word possible.

1. Ion
2. Pan
3. Pun
4. Pin
5. Tin
6. Nit
7. Lint
8. Nip
9. Pot
10. Top
11. Opt
12. Blot
13. Nil
14. Lip
15. Lab
16. Bail
17. Pail
18. Nail
19. Tail
20. Lion
21. Pit
22. Tip
23. Pat
24. Tap
25. Apt
26. Bolt
27. Not
28. Ton
29. Tab
30. Bat
31. Plant

9) Big success. Popular too. Carol and Cayden both had a go. They both beat me though. I got 52, Carol beat me by one, and Cayden doubled her score.

Current saved total: £35
Current donated total: £60