And now an update...

Aside from the New Things, I don’t really know what to write about. N and I are still maintaining a tentative… thing. I wouldn’t call it a relationship, but we see each other reasonably regularly, hang out, have sex, generally enjoy each other’s company. We just haven’t defined it yet. I’ve been pretty busy with lectures and tonnes of reading for my history and politics modules, knitting, sleeping too much (stupid antidepressant side effects) and hanging out with GKL and L. I had both of them asleep in my room Friday night. I love them dearly, but three heavy snorers in one room does not make for a good night’s sleep. Still, L took GKL and I to Taybarns for dinner Saturday night. I love Taybarns. All you can eat, various styles of food. Oh, and PROFITEROLES!!! I adore profiteroles. And their chocolate fudge sauce is delicious. As in, eat an entire bowl of the stuff delicious.

What else? I’ve been re-elected as Secretary for Stitch and Bitch, which means that with C as Treasurer, GKL and I have control of our baby again. Her bastard ex is now no longer on the committee fucking everything up. I’ve been watching lots of Farscape. I discovered a few weeks ago that N has all four seasons (and the Peacekeeper Wars) on his computer. I’ve been looking for it for years! He’s been giving me bits of it on DVD, I’ve just started season 3, but now I’ve run out. I can watch the rest after he brings it down this weekend. GKL’s lovelife is as amusing as ever, but I’ll let her tell you about that (if she ever gets time). Now she has a nice shiny £400 touchscreen phone with an 8gb memory card (8gb!!!!), she should be able to update her blog more often.

Oh, quick shoutout to my silent follower who apparently reads this blog for the ‘awesomeness’. I don’t know if that’s sarcasm or not, or even why he reads it, since I don’t think we like each other that much, but there you go. The more people who read, the better. I think.

I don’t really think there’s much else to say


i read it too, but not for the awesomeness, just because i'm nosy (although i'm also intrigued by the relationship between you and N) :P