A Turning Point

Ladies and gentlemen, the medication has kicked in! I'm not feeling one hundred percent, but I'm a lot better. I'm up and... well not dressed cos I like living in pajamas if I don't have anywhere to go. But I get out of bed. I even straightened my hair yesterday :-) I'm having trouble leaving the house alone without having panic attacks at the moment, but I'm hoping that'll pass.

I'm pretty sure I won't have trouble leaving the house on Monday. I'm going to Leyland to see my Neil :-) He's feeling better too. He sounds almost like his old self. His libido is back, he's back to calling me just for a chat, and he's started saying he loves me again. Things are looking good :-)


I know what you mean about depression ... I've been on tabs for 3 years now (varying doses)...once the medication kicks in you slowly begin to feel you can do things again.
I still have the odd 'duvet day' as I call them...but am in a much better place than I was three years ago.
Take one day at a time ;0)