2012 Fantabulous Things: 51-75

51) Making a new friend - this is actually in reference to someone specific. She knows who she is.. hopelyy :-)

52) Making something for free that could cost £50. I made myself a nice Yarn Swift out of pegs and coat hangers!

53) Man hugs - I miss these. Very much.

54) Michael Mcintyre - A very funny man, whom I will hopefully be going to see in October - depending on currently dire financial situations.

55) Michaela - my baby baby sister. Otherwise known as Sprogget or Sproggetibog.

56) Mini mochi yarn - Just look at it!!! I'm making a blanket out of it.

57) Mint Vienetta - yummy yummy yum yum.

58) Misfits - brilliant TV show. I thought it'd suffer from the loss of Nathan, but the new guy is kinda funny.

59) Money - so much better when you actually have some.

60) Musty smell of an old book

61) My Family - I do love my family, but in this instance I mean the tv show.

62) Nathan Fillion - the man is pure genius. And sooooo hot.

63) Neil - when I initially added him to this list it was for very very different reazsons, but I still mean it.

64) Once upon a time - the new tv show

65) Parmesan roasted potatoes - they're delicious. I don't think I've had normal roast potatoes since I discovered the recipe.

66) Peanut butter m&ms - unfortunately they aren't available in the UK :(

67) Penguins

68) Penn and Teller - GENIUS!

69) Piles of christmas presents

70) Planning trips

71) Pleasant dreams

72) QI - the most incredible non-fiction show ever

73) Raising hope - another brilliant show

74) Ravelry - not sure how I ever managed without that site

75) Receiving swap packages