Here's another piece.
A self-designed blackwork Cleo. I'm working on designing a whole alphabet in the same style, which will be available for sale in the Etsy store I'm gonna set up at some undetermined date in the future. I've got lots of plans for the store, but have no idea when it'll be up and running.
Another big undertaking I'm... well, undertaking... is the Big May Blitz. I've said previously that I want to hit 50 projects by the end of May. This morning I decided to up that a little. I want to finish a project a day in May. That's the thoery anyway. This here is May 1st's piece, and I'll be adding May 2nd's piece later. If I can manage it, that'll take me to 64 pieces. They will, quite obviously, all be small pieces.
If I manage to get the numbers that high, the plan for June is not to do any Project 200 pieces until the Mammoth Secret Project is finished. For those not in the know, the Mammoth Secret Project is what I started in April last year for my sister's wedding present. My sister got married in November and the MSP wasn't finished. I've kind of been avoiding it this year, using the Project 200 as an excuse, but I've already made the MSP their Christmas present last year (and didn't deliver), I REALLY don't want it to be a first anniversary present. So new deadline is the start of September. I'll be going down South for another family wedding, and a birthday, and I'll be able to give it to them and see them open it, which I really want. Ummm... I'm rambling. Point is, it needs finishing damn it, and I plan to get it done in June. In theory.
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