2012 Fantabulous Things: 101-121

101) The Amazing Race - the tv show. Very, VERY cool.

102) The Simpsons - again, the tv show.

103) Thick tinsel

104) Tim Burton movies

105) Tom Welling

106) Torchwood

107) Twizzlers - only the red ones

108) Vampire movies

109) Variagated embroidery threads

110) Warehouse 13

111) Warm fluffy socks

112) Whittards' white strawberry hot chocolate

113) Wil Wheaton's tweets

114) Wild Boys - the tv show

115) Yankee candles - I just wish they weren't so expensive

116) Yarn dyed especially for me - I got a few skeins for Christmas

117) Youtube videos

118) Zombie movies

119) Extreme Makeover Home Edition - I can't believe they cancelled it :(

120) New jewellery

121) Completing a jigsaw puzzle

I know it's an odd number to stop on, but those are all the ones that I collected last year. I have more... coming up soon.