I Seriously Dislike Being a Grownup

I really, really hate being a grownup. I hate having to make decisions that are about what I SHOULD do rather than what I WANT to do. We spend our entire childhood wanting to be grownups, so we can do what we want. Then we realise that we can't, really.

Considering that I just spend half an hour on the phone with National Debtline, I don't think I should go to America next year. And that really, really sucks. Anyone know any rich chubby-chasers who want to marry me?

I called the National Debtline because I have two companies claiming they're collecting the same debt, and I didn't know what to do. National Debtline advised me what to do with that situation, and they took all my details about all my other debts too. I came out of that phonecall in tears, but a good kind. Sort of. There's so much I didn't realise about what I'm entitled to, regarding my debts and things.

For instance.. I don't have to put up with a million phone calls a day. I can tell them to only contact me in writing. And I don't have to only go out once a bloody fortnight because I can't afford bus tickets. Travel is considered a necessity, even for people who don't actually have anywhere to go.

I really, REALLY want to go to New York next year. I want to go to New York now. But, I can't afford it. And that totally sucks. I hate being a grownup. Have I mentioned that?

In the meantime, I have some letters to write.